Sunday, March 11, 2007

Holy crap what a gorgeous day!

I swear the weathermen here must be retarded. They can never get it right. This weekend was supposed to be in the mid-50's and rainy. The weather today? Sunny and 72 degrees?!?! I'm not complaining about what it turned out to be but I would have made different plans had I known it was going to be so wonderful out. It can stay like this all year round as far as I'm concerned. Currently, it's 10pm and 61 degrees! w00t!

Anyway, yesterday was migraine day for me and Mike and we got all of zilch done anywhere including cleaning up the place. Today was different though. I went and trudged around on the roof of the porch and breakfast nooks to get leaves out of the place where they meet so rain water can flow through correctly. Mike mowed the lawn which beyond needed it as you can see...



Yep...just a little long. I also got the kitchen cleaned and the laundry done (actually still doing that). Plus I made a little video of the outside of this crazy place for everyone to cringe at:

...and 80lb puppy...