Will it ever end?
No, the pipe isn't fixed. No, I can't wash clothes. Yes, however, according to the plumber I can take a quick shower and I'm allowed to flush the toilet at least.The backhoe did arrive and got the trench dug. The pipe was a mess. He wound up digging all the way to the sidewalk. Ugh. Because he got here considerably later than was originally scheduled, the plumber had to come out later. When the plumber got here, it was a different guy than had been out the last 2 days. When he got here, he was told the estimate of the amount of pipe was about 30-40 feet...that was off by about 60-70 feet. Double ugh. So, of course, he didn't have enough pipe with him and since it was late, he couldn't get anymore until tomorrow.
So, another stinky night. I swear when this is done, I'm going to spend an hour just flushing the toilet over and over again, just because I can!