Sorry to keep you in suspense
On Friday, the entire sewer pipe was replaced and we were flushing and washing dishes and clothes like crazy. Yay! We're still not completely done with it though. We've got to get in about 10-11 yards of gravel to put in the trench and then put all the dirt back. We've also got to get rid of all the pieces of the old pipe that are just sitting around the yard. That's going to have to get stacked somewhere to wait for the next dumpster. Once that's done, then we're done.
When it rains it pours though man. So we went and got a bunch of that orange warning fence to put around the ditch to keep people from falling in and the dogs from getting out. After we got it up last night, we had a hell of a wind storm which promptly knocked down 1 of the poles, snapped another and busted a downspout from the side of the house. So tonight, we've got to get 2 more poles at Jerry's and a strap or something for the downspout so it doesn't rip the siding off the house.
Will the fun ever end? I'm wondering if any of this is covered under homeowners insurance...any clues?
When it rains it pours though man. So we went and got a bunch of that orange warning fence to put around the ditch to keep people from falling in and the dogs from getting out. After we got it up last night, we had a hell of a wind storm which promptly knocked down 1 of the poles, snapped another and busted a downspout from the side of the house. So tonight, we've got to get 2 more poles at Jerry's and a strap or something for the downspout so it doesn't rip the siding off the house.
Will the fun ever end? I'm wondering if any of this is covered under homeowners insurance...any clues?