A little batty and a little cranky
So another weekend has come and gone and again, nothing has been done on the house.We couldn't put up the light fixture because the ladder we have is a bit (read: very) on the scary side and putting it on nice slick laminate is just not going to happen. So that now waits until we get a better ladder.
We started to tear down the shingles in the livingroom and then stopped because we started getting a good collection quite quickly and unless we felt like taking every single nail out of each piece, we couldn't exactly put it in the debris pile because it wouldn't be safe for the dogs. So, the wheelbarrow full is sitting in the shed until I order the next dumpster tomorrow. If they aren't too backed up, we should have one by Friday. We are going to get the next size up because if what we found behind the shingles is any indication of what is behind the paneling, that is coming down too. It's multiple layers of paint over a fabric wallpaper and it's all sealed into the wall and up to the ceiling (nice round smooth joint to the ceiling) by some good looking plaster. The only thing we'd have to do is patch nail holes and paint from what I can see.
We also plucked out a ceiling tile to see what was underneath that. It appears to be painted tongue and groove wood. So yes, the ceiling is coming down too this weekend.
I'm terribly excited about the demo. I've wanted to see what was under all this since I first walked in the place!
I did get one thing done this weekend. A fully measured and to-scale diagram of the house both upstairs and down. I love Illustrator. We'll be able to use it's multiple layer goodness to plan the electrical, networking, telephone, and video/audio cabling. Plus, I also did the proposed changes in the diagram as well. Then I played a little and now you can all see it morph from one to the other! Enjoy!

Oh, and I read 3 books this weekend. Yeah, you can tell it was productive.