's been awhile since I've posted
There has been quite a lot that has gone on since the last time I posted. Basically, about 3 days after I last posted, I wound up going on a 72 hour round trip out to pick up my son out in Ohio. We've been financially and emotionally trying to catch up since then.Katie's room is complete sans carpet, molding & a light fixture. We haven't even begun on Ehren's room yet since we're trying to come to grips with feeding and clothing 2 additional people who came with basically just the clothes on their backs and nothing else.
We've done a lot of yardwork and have ripped out the pond. We just need to fill it in with some dirt from around it and from the free dumpload of dirt we got from John. We still need to borrow a rototiller from Joe to break up the side yard and then grade it.
The fence & gate got dealt another blow this week because they are redoing all of the city sewer lines and they ripped up a piece of sidewalk and damaged the fence and gate. So Tuesday we have to go out and get a whole bunch of fencing to fix that entire area. Oh, and while we're out getting wood, we have to get planks for the deck because we've got 3 rotted out boards. Plus all the paint for both the fence and the deck since the whole deck needs to be repainted and is flaking.
This has not been a good summer, let me tell you. Adding in tons of flights, 2 whole warddrobes, feeding two very picky extra people, the dog costing us about $300, one kid who's constantly mopey and one who is extremely unaware of his presence...well, I'm calling the whole thing a wash and I'm looking forward to next summer instead. If I don't do that, I'll go insane.
Oh and to top it all off, I've been sick with my first ever summer cold for 3 days.