Please dry out!
So, we have this pond thing in the yard that we drained out last year because it was basically a sludge-fest. We didn't disassemble it though, that just wasn't really a priority considering we'd be left with a big freaking hole in the ground until we got in some fill. Well, it gathered leaves of course and a nice sized puddle of sludgy water over the rainy season because the rubber lining was still there. Still, no big deal...until they moved in. Yes...we have frogs. "So what?!", you say. "What's a few measly little frogs?" I tell you what's a few little frogs! They do nothing but scream at each other ALL NIGHT LONG! Jesus Christ! They are so loud I hate even sitting out on the deck which is something we couldn't wait for the weather to change so we could.
Tonight, we evicted them. I cute the rubber lining all around the top of the pond (there are too many cemented in rocks to remove them and pull out the lining right now) and Mike yanked it out to the trash pile. However, underneath was the softest wettest mud you've ever seen with, of course, a huge puddle. Ugh. It's not supposed to rain for the next 3-4 days so I'm hoping it dries out some because right now it's just a big hole of gross.
I also discovered tonight that with the little weed hog thingy, I can talk on the phone with my son and de-weed the entire side yard at the same time. Tomorrow, we're going to start moving some of the gravel to the front path because it's definitely very low compared to the sidewalk. I'm hoping that if we do a little every day that it's nice, we'll get the yard prepped and happy in no time. Plus, if reapportion all the gravel that we need, when we have the guy come in to grade, he'll do it for trade in the rest of the gravel. Awesome!
Tonight, we evicted them. I cute the rubber lining all around the top of the pond (there are too many cemented in rocks to remove them and pull out the lining right now) and Mike yanked it out to the trash pile. However, underneath was the softest wettest mud you've ever seen with, of course, a huge puddle. Ugh. It's not supposed to rain for the next 3-4 days so I'm hoping it dries out some because right now it's just a big hole of gross.
I also discovered tonight that with the little weed hog thingy, I can talk on the phone with my son and de-weed the entire side yard at the same time. Tomorrow, we're going to start moving some of the gravel to the front path because it's definitely very low compared to the sidewalk. I'm hoping that if we do a little every day that it's nice, we'll get the yard prepped and happy in no time. Plus, if reapportion all the gravel that we need, when we have the guy come in to grade, he'll do it for trade in the rest of the gravel. Awesome!