Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Welcome Visitors!

Ok, so it's fun to see where people are in the world or even in the country that read this blog. Here's the latest!

create your own personalized map of the USA

As you can see, someone in just about every state has read something on our blog at least once, except for those states that hate know who you are Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming!

We also have a couple of visitors from outside the U.S. in Canada, France, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands. Now, the one from the Netherlands has me most perplexed. This is a regular visitor from just about the very beginning of this blog. Speak up! Tell me who you are! I'm dying to know! Oh, and to the person from Italy...congrats! We won! (yep...I'm one of them Italians as well!)

Can you tell I don't want to start working yet?